Regular giving helps our church family to flourish. We are self-supporting, relying on donations, legacies and fundraising activities to enable us to carry out the work we do. Click the button below, a simple way to give regularly and support our ministry.
We continue to be grateful for the generosity of those who support our work.
Different ways to support your Church
St Mary's Church is a central point of our community for private prayer, congregational worship, baptisms, marriages and funerals and other social evernts as we accommodate the daily round of worship, and a host of events, tours and meetings.
Just to keep your church running requires nearly £100,000 every year (or to put it another way, £11 for every hour of every day of every year). Our historic building costs a great deal more in maintenance and repair work.
We continue to be grateful for the generosity of those who support our work, but as costs continually rise, we need to encourage all who have an interest in what we stand for to help us.
Do something for Eccleston Parish Chuch at NO cost to you – use EASYFUNDRAISING when you buy, order or book online.
Thank you to our supporters who have have raised £2528 by shopping online. You could make a real difference.
Do friends or family use “online”? Get them to register naming St Mary's Church, Eccleston as their cause - click the link to register now:
We are grateful for your support
Please click here to make a donation today
Gift Aid
For every £10 given by taxpayers to the church, we can reclaim £2.50 from the Inland Revenue, increasing the value of your gift to £12.50. For a full explanation of the scheme and a Gift Aid form, contact our Stewardship Officer, Eric Smith.
If you would like to support the churchwork and begin a conversation about your Will, a confidential discussion with the Rector or a Churchwarden.
Further details and a guide to writing your will to reflect your Christian Faith can also be found on the Church of England website:
Standing Order
Individual sets up with own bank Account: Eccleston St Marys PCC Sort Code: 09-01-55 Account No: 23903081
Gift Aid Envelopes
Found at the end of each pew. Used by tax-payers Details need to be filled in. especially postcode. and dated.
Weekly Envelopes
Open to individual as a years supply each November Pre-dated and un-named Used by tax and non-tax payers
Tax payers need to complete GIFT – AID FORM
Collection Plate
Passed through the congregation during service Used by non-tax payers Used for direct giving