Newsletter 10 October 2021

Newsletter 10 October 2021

Newsletter 10 October 2021

# Online pewsheets

Newsletter 10 October 2021

Sunday 10 October 2021: Trinity 19

To include articles on this sheet contact Valda Pearson on 07751 663339 or email by Tuesday evening. 

10:15    Parish Eucharist

Hymns   10,     Alleluia,    766;   321;    747

President and Preacher Fr Andrew

O God, forasmuch as without you we are not able to please you:  mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


Sunday 10 October Readings:

Amos 5: 6-7, 10-15; 

Hebrews 4: 12-16

Mark 10: 17-31


We pray for an end to coronavirus:

God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose years never fail and whose mercies are new each returning day: let the radiance of your Spirit renew our lives, warming our hearts and giving light to our minds; that we may pass the coming year in joyful obedience and firm faith; through him who is the beginning and the end, your Son, Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever.

Those in need this week:

Maureen Dalby; Pauline Readett; Pat Lee; Mary Brown; Declan Reece; Anne Evans, Joanne Whittle, Di Taylor, Keith Brindle, James Thomas, Jean Fairhurst, Joanne Whittle and Susan Boult

Those who have been in need for some time:

Tommy Trayling; Colin Buckley; Pat Wilson; Helen Christopher; Graham Pownall; Olivia Wilson; Tony Dolan; Margaret Dolan; Audrey Batten; June Davenport; Pat Lee, Michael Walker, Gemma Kavanagh, Maureen Brindle

The departed

Dorothy Hailwood

Jennie Banks 

Those who have lost their lives during the coronavirus pandemic

Those whose anniversary occurs this week

Maurice William Berry

James Wildman

Eric Alker

Alice Jones

Doris Waters

William Iddon

What's on

Daily readings in the week

Monday 11 October           Etheburga    Luke 11 : 29 -32

Tuesday 12 October           Wilfrid of Ripon    Luke 11 : 37 - 41

Wednesday 13 October      Edward the Confessor   Luke 11 : 42 - 46

Thursday 14 October          Luke 11 : 47 - end

Friday 15 October              Teresa of Avila    Luke 12 : 1 - 7

Saturday 16 October          Nicholas Ridley and Hugh Latimer    Luke 12 : 8 - 12

Services this week

The Daily Office of Morning and Evening Prayer will be said in church at 09:00 and 17:00 Monday to Thursday

Next Week:

17 October   Trinity 20   Green

Wednesday:       09:30 Holy Eucharist

Thursday:          18:00 Holy Eucharist


Isaiah 53: 4-12;  Hebrews 5: 1-10; Mark 10: 35-45

Weekly church running costs - £1901

THE COST OF KEEPING OPEN OUR CHURCH is £14 PER PERSON PER WEEK – current levels of giving work out at £5 per person per week increasing the gap between incomings and outgoings even further.  The financial situation is becoming increasingly worrying.  Please help as much as you can. Forms are available to make a Standing Order if you would prefer to contribute in this way. Forms are available for tax payers from the treasurer or Gift Aid Secretary, Eric Smith. Please make sure you have completed yours. Gift Aiding raised £11,707 in year 2019.

Eccleston St Marys PCC Sort Code 09-01-55 A/c 23903081

If you wish to make an online donation please click the picture on the left.  This will take you to a page where you can enter your debit or credit card details to make a donation for any amount.  You can also Gift Aid the donation.


Rector                  Fr Andrew Brown        01257 452777

Church Warden     Gill Jamieson             01257 451863

Church Warden     Garry Fishwick           07885 839067

Weddings              Andrea Cheetham      01257 451932

Baptisms              Claire Walsh               01257 433167

Funerals               Linda Thornton          01257 451075

PCC Secretary  

The following daily intentions are suggested:

Monday              Dental technicians and surgeons

Tuesday             Collective Worship in Church Schools

Wednesday        All those seeking new jobs

Thursday           St Agnes’ Church

Friday                Eccleston Methodist Church

Saturday            An end to coronavirus


Additional Midweek Eucharists 

A weekly simple, said eucharist commenced on 23 September at 18:00.  More than 15 people attended on our first two weeks and hope to add more in the weeks to come.  As this eucharist can be used to meet school admission criteria, please remember to mention to Fr Andrew that you have attended so he can record this.  If you have not initially registered yourself and your child on the register you can do this by clicking the image above to complete the online form.

This decision was made following a consultation with you all by face to face discussions, online polling and a survey undertaken with primary school age parents, the PCC has agreed to add the Thursday early evening eucharist to our service pattern for an initial period of six months.  We are hoping this will prove popular as it was the time most people expressed a preference to attend other than Sunday morning.

Are you called?   This past week has shown how our band of volunteers has become so very depleted during the pandemic.  The number of tasks and jobs remains the same but there are fewer hands to do the work.  If you can help in any way, please speak to Fr Andrew or a church warden.  Moving furniture around for funerals and weddings is proving hard word, choir membership is fragile and there is no server for the new Thursday eucharist.  Specifically are you are called to be a server or acolyte?  Many vocations have started in this way and is a valuable ministry to the church.  With the increase in services through the week we are now looking to increase the size of the team.  
Please speak to Fr Andrew or a warden if you want to know more.

Come and Sing   Our Music Director has arranged a 'come and sing' concert at St Faith's Parish Church, Crosby.  If you would like to take part please go along on Sunday 7 November at 18:30.  Click the image for details of the schedule for the afternoon. The central piece of music is The Requiem by the 19th Century French composer Gabriel Faure.  It is a sublime and reflective piece appropriate for the reembrace season of All Saints, All Souls and Reembrace Day itself that we have heard in our own church as a liturgical setting over the past few years.

Support during the continuing pandemic

It is clear that Covid-19 will be with us for the foreseeable future.  Therefore, we understand that not everyone will feel comfortable to return to church in the short term.  However, if you feel able, your will be most welcome.  If you still need support, this is available in a number of ways from the parish.

Please continue to keep in touch with church:

The Parish Website -

Worship - online Eucharists are available through social media

Personal Contact – please request help if you require it

Prayers - Please contact Liz Green to be included.

The Church Clock

Some notes on research by Graham Hailwood

When walking along the path to church, I’m sure many of you will have noticed that the church tower clock has stopped at exactly 11.30; I know that the churchyard volunteers have missed hearing the chimes. The clock is now awaiting repair.

The clock was originally given to the church, in memory of Harriot Jane Yates, on the 25th December 1898.  Harriot Jane was born on 14 July 1814, along with her four siblings; she was the daughter of William and Francis Yates.  The Revd William Yates became Rector of Eccleston in 1812 and remained so until the early 1850s, after which he his recorded as living along with his wife and Harriot Jane at Lemington Priors, Warwickshire. He died in 1884.  Harriot Jane never married and died in 1898.  She is recorded as living in Leyland and in her later years at Worden Hall Lodge.

The clock, which was manually wound for almost 100 years, latterly by Ernie  Marsden and then by his son Neville, until  Neville’s death in1985.  In 1998 Ernie and his wife Marjorie had the clock converted to electricity in memory of their son Neville.  There are two plaques, in church, at the side of the bell tower commemorating Harriot Jane Yates and Neville Marsden.

The Beech Tree by the Lych Gate has died according to our arborist.  We will be felling the tree in the next couple of weeks as Diocesan approval has been granted.  In the meantime please take car when around the tree.  Our arborist has commented:

'The tree has been affected by a pathogen which displays its fruiting body as the Giant Polypore or Meripilus giganteus.  The Pathogen attacks the roots of the tree and appears like a sprouting cabbage at this time of the year.  The fungus will rot away with the frosts.  It will have appeared last year leaving a grey remnant this year that many people don’t spot.  The tree has failed late in the seasons suggesting that the failure of the root system damaged by the fungus has caused the sudden leaf death.  The trees revival is unlikely and with a damaged root system I would be worried by the risk of windthrow as we move towards winter.'

Giving - your donations through our contactless terminal in church can now benefit from GiftAid if you are a UK taxpayer. That means for every £5 you donate, Eccleston St Mary’s PCC receives £6.25. To help us receive this extra benefit please register your Visa and MasterCard on the Swiftaid website (by clicking on the link or the image above) before you use the terminal in church. Please contact Eric Smith if you will to join the envelope scheme.  He has a number spare.  

Also please sign up to Easyfundraising (details below) as this is such a good way to earn money for church without any effort, especially now that online purchases are increasing popular since the beginning of the pandemic.

As you will have seen above you can make an online donation.  Once again, click this link to take you to the donations page.

Legacies.  Have you thought about leaving a donation to your parish church in your will.  Please speak to a Church Warden or our Treasurer about how this could be done.  We have some very useful leaflets which can explain the legal process and how you can help.  Please ask for one.

Assistant Director Music we have placed an advert in the national press for an Assistant Director of Music.  If you know someone who may be interested in applying, the job description and person specification is shown on the parish website along with an online application form.  You can access the full details along with the application form by clicking the image to the left.

Book Collection 

We are collecting books to raise funds for church.  If you have any books, with a barcode, that you could donate please contact Ian Butterfield at the following email address or Valda Pearson on 07751663339 to arrange for collection or bring books to church if you would prefer. 

Music for October

If you want to know what music Joe, our Director of Music, has put together for us each week in Eccleston, along with the hymns Sunday by Sunday please click here.

Autumn Fair

This exciting event will take place on Saturday 23 October at 14:30 until 16:30  in the Scout Hut in Draper Avenue.

Donations of cakes are needed.  Please could these be plain, or just a little butter cream, and wrapped or covered, to maintain Covid hygiene measures. 

Book Floodlighting it is now possible to book the floodlighting again.  Please use this form to make your request and online payment.  It only costs £10 to light up the church for one evening.  We also feature your memorial on the parish website and on our Facebook page.  Join those who have raised over £1,300 for church funds as they remember an important event or person when they have 'Lit up the Church'.

Recent Floodlighting

20 October 2021

Valda Pearson

In memory of Barbara Joyce Gooch. Always in our hearts.

10 October 2021

Anne Gibson

To celebrate the special birthday of a very special daughter. Daddy called her Treasure and that is just what she is now for me. Thank you Carole.


7 October 2021

Mark Hailwood

In memory of Dorothy Hailwood


6 October 2021

Mark Hailwood

In memory of Dorothy Hailwood


Joyce Hunter

In loving memory of Dear Dorothy from Joyce, Hugh and family

Keep up with the latest news and events on Twitter! select - Follow  

Keep up to date with

If you shop online, please register for Easyfundraising Cause

When you click on this link you will be able to make a small donation to our parish work each time you shop at selected retailers at no additional cost to you.  Our 62 supporters have raised £1,869.94 so for so why not join them at this time that all non essential shops are closed.  

Disability Provision

There is a hearing Loop system

Space is provided in church for wheelchair users. A wheelchair is available.                     

Disability toilet in the Parish Centre

Fire Notice   

There are two emergency exits:

Through the main door Through the Jesus Chapel (To the right of the altar) Muster by the War Memorial, await instructions

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