02/07/2024 0 Comments
Newsletter 11 July 2021
Newsletter 11 July 2021
# Online pewsheets
Newsletter 11 July 2021
Sunday 11 July 2021: Trinity 6
To include articles on this sheet contact Valda Pearson on 07751 663339 or email valdaapearson@gmail.com by Tuesday evening.
10:15 Parish Eucharist in church and live streamed
President and Preacher Fr Andrew
Please pass on the link https://www.facebook.com/Eccle...so we can bring hope to all those in need of comfort at this time.
Merciful God, you have prepared for those who love you such good things as pass our understanding: pour into our hearts such love towards you that we, loving you in all things and above all things, may obtain your promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reign with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
and for ever.
Sunday 11 July Readings:
Amos 7: 12-15
Ephesians 1: 3-14
Mark 6: 14-29
We pray for an end to coronavirus:
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose years never fail and whose mercies are new each returning day: let the radiance of your Spirit renew our lives, warming our hearts and giving light to our minds; that we may pass the coming year in joyful obedience and firm faith; through him who is the beginning and the end, your Son, Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever.
Those in need this week:
Maureen Dalby; Pauline Readett; Pat Lee; Mary Brown; Declan Reece; Anne Evans, Joanne Whittle, Di Taylor
Those who have been in need for some time:
Tommy Trayling; Colin Buckley; Pat Wilson; Helen Christopher; Graham Pownall; Olivia Wilson; Tony Dolan; Margaret Dolan; Audrey Batten; June Davenport; Pat Lee, Michael Walker, Gemma Kavanagh, Maureen Brindle
The departed
Delia Otter
Those who have lost their lives during the coronavirus pandemic
Those whose anniversary occurs this week
Raymond Glover
Albert Waters
Arthur Bentley
Norman Wadsworth (priest)
Paul Hunter
What's on
Daily readings in the week
Monday 5 July Matthew 10 : 34 - 11 : 1
Tuesday 6 July Matthew 11 : 20 - 24
Wednesday 7 July John Keeble Matthew 11 : 25 - 27
Thursday 8 July Swithun Matthew 11 : 28 - end
Friday 9 July Osmund Matthew 11 : 1 - 8
Saturday 10 July Matthew 12 : 14 - 21
Banns of Marriage
Today we publish the banns of marriage between Sally Louise Naylor of this parish and Martyn James Wood also of this parish. This is the third time of asking. If any of you know any reason in law why they may not marry each other you are to declare it.
The Daily Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer will not be said in church this week as Fr Andrew is away
Services this week
There is no midweek eucharist this week as Fr Andrew is away.
If you require the offices of a priest during this time, please contact a church warden on 01257 451863 (Gill) or 07885 839067 (Garry). They will make the necessary arrangements for you
Next Week:
18 July Trinity 7 Green
Jeremiah 23: 1-6; Ephesians 2: 11-22; Mark 6: 30-34 and 53-56
Weekly church running costs - £1901
THE COST OF KEEPING OPEN OUR CHURCH is £14 PER PERSON PER WEEK – current levels of giving work out at £5 per person per week increasing the gap between incomings and outgoings even further. The financial situation is becoming increasingly worrying. Please help as much as you can. Forms are available to make a Standing Order if you would prefer to contribute in this way. Forms are available for tax payers from the treasurer or Gift Aid Secretary, Eric Smith. Please make sure you have completed yours. Gift Aiding raised £11,707 in year 2019.
Eccleston St Marys PCC Sort Code 09-01-55 A/c 23903081
If you wish to make an online donation please click the picture on the left. This will take you to a page where you can enter your debit or credit card details to make a donation for any amount. You can also Gift Aid the donation.
Rector Fr Andrew Brown 01257 452777
Church Warden Gill Jamieson 01257 451863
Church Warden Garry Fishwick 07885 839067
Weddings Andrea Cheetham 01257 451932
Baptisms Claire Walsh 01257 433167
Funerals Linda Thornton 01257 451075
PCC Secretary valdaapearson@gmail.com
The following daily intentions are suggested:
Monday Our PCC and its members
Tuesday Eccleston Mothers’ Union Branch
Wednesday All those graduating from university this year
Thursday Professional and amateur meteorologists
Friday Children and staff beginning school holidays
Saturday An end to coronavirus
Don't Forget The Midweek Eucharist on Wednesday starts at 09:30 (not this week but will resume on 21 July)
PCC decision on service patterns We are grateful for your contribution to the debate on service times which was discussed by the PCC last week. In response to the 65 suggestions which we received, it has been decided that there will be one eucharist on Sunday, at 10:15, and from September there will be an early evening said eucharist each Thursday in addition to the Wednesday said eucharist at 09:30 each week.
Whilst we understand that this will not meet everyone's need or preference, the survey amongst primary school age parents showed very clearly that Sunday morning is not a good time for church in the modern family diary.
Changes from Monday 19 July
The announcement by the Prime Minister last week was highly anticipated. There has been a mixed reaction in the country to the lifting of many restrictions from 19 July. We want to keep you safe and encourage you to return to church without fear. Therefore, we will not be lifting all the current restrictions immediately. We are able to reinstate congregational singing and a full choir. This will be welcomed by people who come to church for funerals and weddings as well as many Sunday worshippers. The congregation will not be singing face to face, of course. Despite social distancing restrictions being lifted we will maintain a 1m policy in church and ask you to wear a mask as you enter and leave, using the sanitising station provided. Masks will not be required whilst sitting. It is not our intention to reintroduce the chalice (sometimes known as the common cup) at the moment and communion will be administered in one kind as it has been since July 2020.
Until 19 July the current restrictions remain in place so please remain vigilant, register your attendance, use hand sanitiser; wear a mask and remain two metres apart from others at all times.
Service Streaming This has been hugely successful with large numbers joining in worship from home. In January we were experiencing over 800 weekly views on the website and the Facebook page. We had the opportunity to have people contribute to our worship whose diaries would have been too full to come in person. The work between St Mary the Virgin and Christ Church has been well received and a great example of coming together at a time of crisis. All good things must come to an end, however. With increased freedom many people will be thinking about whether now is the time to return to church. This means the last streamed service will be next week, on Sunday 18 July. There will be scope to stream major events and services in the future. The confirmations from Christ Church a couple of weeks ago were well received. But for now, the streaming service is being retired.
Support during Coronavirus Isolation
Please continue to keep in touch with church:
The Parish Website - www.ecclestonstmaryschurch.org
Worship - online Eucharists are available through social media
Personal Contact – please request help if you require it
Prayers - Please contact Liz Green to be included.
Foundation Governors we have one further vacancy at our CE Primary School. Contact Fr Andrew if you are interested and more information is available at the Blackburn Board of Education website (click here to direct you to their website) or specifically at the Governors' landing page on the Board of Education website. More information about our Church of England Primary School can be found on their website by clicking on the school logo to the right.
Giving - your donations through our contactless terminal in church can now benefit from GiftAid if you are a UK taxpayer. That means for every £5 you donate, Eccleston St Mary’s PCC receives £6.25. To help us receive this extra benefit please register your Visa and MasterCard on the Swiftaid website (by clicking on the link or the image above) before you use the terminal in church. Please contact Eric Smith if you will to join the envelope scheme. He has a number spare.
Also please sign up to Easyfundraising (details below) as this is such a good way to earn money for church without any effort, especially now that online purchases are increasing popular since the beginning of the pandemic.
Legacies. Have you thought about leaving a donation to your parish church in your will. Please speak to a Church Warden or our Treasurer about how this could be done. We have some very useful leaflets which can explain the legal process and how you can help. Please ask for one.
Ecclesiastical Insurance runs a scheme called Trust 130. As an insurance company they havegiven more than £430,000 to churches in the UK as part of the Trust130 campaign and now we’re extending for another year. There is no limit on the number of donations which can be made. We could benefit from Trust130 donations of £130, if you take out anew policy with Ecclesiastical and mention St Marys, Eccleston and Trust 130: please contact Ecclesiastical Insurance on 0800 7830 130 You can read more about the scheme by clicking the picture on the right.
The nights are light at the moment but you can plan ahead by lighting up the church to mark a special day, or may be some retail therapy is just want you need - don't forget to buy online during lockdown using the Easy Fundraising link to benefit our parish funds.
Dates for your diary from the music department
Two summer coffee concerts are being planned by our Music Director, Joe. There are informal musical events outside, if the weather is fine. It's all free and without charge so please keep free Saturday afternoons 31 July and 21 August. However, you will be able to spend some money as there will be cake and bottle stalls and tombola. If you are able to donate any bottles please let Liz Green or Rosina Monks know.
There's no end to the energy and engagement of our Music Director, Joe. He is a regular at St Faith's Parish Church in Crosby in the Liverpool Diocese where he has started a choir from scratch. He has arranged for our choir to sing at a joint Choral Evensong on Sunday 1 August at 18:30. It would be fantastic is as many people as possible could go along to Crosby to support the choir and Joe. Click the red Evensong image on the left to display a poster designed for the Evensong at St Faiths. Don't forget congregational singing will be permitted by then.
And finally from Joe, if you would like to travel to Crosby some other time, do have a look at his summer concert season.
100 Club winners for June 2021
£50 - Ann May (76)
£20 - Sue Kelly (52)
£12 - Susan Haydock (99)
Book Floodlighting – it is now possible to book the floodlighting again. Please use this form to make your request and online payment. It only costs £10 to light up the church for one evening. We also feature your memorial on the parish website and on our Facebook page. Join those who have raised over £1,300 for church funds as they remember an important event or person when they have 'Lit up the Church'.
Keep up with the latest news and events on Twitter!
https://twitter.com/ecclestons... select - Follow
Keep up to date with www.ecclestonstmaryschurch.org
If you shop online, please register for Easyfundraising Cause
When you click on this link you will be able to make a small donation to our parish work each time you shop at selected retailers at no additional cost to you. Our 62 supporters have raised £1,869.94 so for so why not join them at this time that all non essential shops are closed.
Disability Provision
There is a hearing Loop system
Space is provided in church for wheelchair users. A wheelchair is available.
Disability toilet in the Parish Centre
Fire Notice
There are two emergency exits:
Through the main door Through the Jesus Chapel (To the right of the altar) Muster by the War Memorial, await instructions