
FIRST CONTACT:  Keith Orrell


There has been a tradition of choral singing at Eccleston going back into the nineteenth century. Judging by the old sheet music in the choir library, previous directors have been ambitious, with a full Stanford in B flat evensong and Wood’s O Thou the central orb used in worship. Current repertoire is often a cappella as most of the choir members cannot see the organist if the Director of Music is at the organ desk.  The repertoire includes Purcell Funeral Sentences and Tallis If you love me, as well as various John Rutter anthems with keyboard, through to the Hallelujah 

Chorus with eighteenth century articulation and speed, as well as the aforementioned Stanford.  The Congregational input for the mass setting is largely Dom Gregory Murray’s People’s New Mass, although alternatives are being investigated using RSCM resources, with the Schubert Sanctus in festal times, and bespoke Advent and Lent Gospel and Memorial acclamations based on Purcell’s Queen Mary’s March, plainsong and easy to sing sentences. A monthly All Age Eucharist provides a contrasting type of worship music in a more contemporary idiom. Hymns straddle all idioms. The choir sing to a much higher standard than the organ, in its present state, is capable of adequately supporting.  We would envisage all this continuing and expanding with the addition of the organ becoming an educational tool for local High Schools.  Following two successful Music Festivals as community reach out in the last two years, we are investigating the possibility  an organ concert programme with a rebuilt organ.The choir and organ support a full Choral Eucharist each week with Choral Evensong held around every two months.  A Choral Eucharist is held on major festivals and holy days of obligation throughout the liturgical calendar whilst Civic Services, particularly on Remembrance Sunday and other major days in the life of the nation, are supported by the choir and organ.


To support the worship of those who gather for services, through hymns and music This aim is realised through : Meeting to practice singing together building a repertoire of hymns, songs, and anthems for Sunday services, weddings, and seasonal services throughout the year 


Every Thursday 19:00 – 20:15 at St Mary’s Church 





We rehearse hymns, psalms, songs We learn new music for anthems We enjoy being together as a group who share an interest in singing and music We organise group social evenings a couple of times a year when we invite a friend to join us. We are requested to sing at funerals or weddings.From these payments we donate to main church events. CAN I JOIN ? If you are of high school age and above Enjoy singing If you have the ability to read music it is an advantage but not necessary Are available Thursday evenings and Sundays 10:15


Contact Keith on the email above!